Get ready to target the Dutch

Want to launch your app in the Netherlands? 🇳🇱

Dutch culture is unlike any other. We are a weird bunch. So who to hire better then a 100% Dutch App Marketing Agency to launch your app or SaaS product here in the Netherlands?
I'm convinced!

We have helped many others to launch in our country

Anystack SaaS marketing
Gimi app marketing
Range in the Top Free Apps on number 2.
#1 - App Store Optimalisation

App Store listing

Step 1: Translate your App Store listings.
We know which apps the Dutch use, who your competitors are and what they are good at. We will identify your USP's, translate them to what we, the Dutch, care about and use that in your App Store listings.

You will need Dutch App store assets, title and descriptions. They will need to be in the tone-of-voice that resonates with your new audience.
Tell me more
App Store vermelding voor het lanceren van een app

The successful app launch of BabyManager

launch video
#3 in 'Health' top apps
10k Monthly Active Users in three months
The video is in Dutch. But you will get the gist of it.
Online markting BabyManager
Online Marketing Coffee Digital
#2 Effective online marketing

Build reach!

Step 2: Get seen in the Netherlands.

The next step is to translate your website and start to optimise your Dutch organic (SEO) visibility in Google.

In the meanwhile we can run campaigns Apple SearchAds, Google Ads and on social media. This makes sure you hit the ground running, and get fast results.
Online marketing
Samen met Coffee Digital hebben we ervoor gezorgd dat BabyManager meer dan 6000 downloads had in de eerste weken. Daar zijn we trots op!
Amanda Bosch, BabyManager
meten is weten app lanceren
#3 Experimenting

Data is king

Step 3: Experimenting and improving effectiveness.

Now we got some results, awesome! Let's dig deeper, improve and expand on the things that work. As soon as we know the Cost-per-Acquisition we can start setting goals. We want to know when it's a success, so we can help get you there.
More about app marketing

Let's have a chat

How can we help? Let's talk about it.

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Oeps. Er is iets fout gegaan. Probeer het nogmaals.