More installs through app store optimization

Campers can not only effortlessly find their ideal camper spot, but can now also easily discover the Campercontact app in the app stores, thanks to App Store Optimization.
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Let the numbers speak

De resultaten spreken voor zichzelf

More organic installs
Impressions on an in-store event
Higher conversion rate in the App Store
Per install (CPI)


The complete ASO package to strengthen the position of the Campercontact app in the app stores. This way we ensure that the app is optimally visible for the target group at the right time and in the right place.

Great app store previews

Eye-catching app store previews for higher conversion rates and better ASO scores.

In-store events

215,000 impressions in the app store. On both the Today tab and in the search results.

Are you ready to
start growing?

How can we help?
030 721 0774

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